


对熟练工人的需求正在增长, and companies in all industries are striving to be leaner 和更多的 efficient, re-thinking staffing models and job descriptions to stay as competitive as possible. Partnering with 冰碛谷社区学院 can benefit businesses of any size by creating custom solutions tailored to your organization’s needs that result in going beyond the traditional hiring practices. 还有冰碛谷, we can create your best workforce that is ready to meet the changing needs you face.

Employee education isn’t always about degrees and certifications. Supporting an employee’s educational needs will enhance their role in the workplace. 完成一系列的普通教育课程,如演讲, 数学, 作文, and computer literacy can improve skill sets in every position.


  • 1. 帮助吸引和留住优秀的员工

    Employee turnover is an expensive and time-consuming problem for businesses. Providing employee 开发ment as part of the hiring package gives you a competitive advantage over other similar jobs and wages.

  • 2. 创造可晋升的员工

    Empower your employees with strong skill sets that will prepare them to move into positions with more responsibilities. Employee 开发ment both trains your current employees for possible future promotion as well as shows you which employees have an aptitude for such a promotion.

  • 3. 员工发展增加利润

    Employee engagement happens best when the goals of the business and the ambitions of the employee are fully aligned. By creating an environment that encourages your employees to become invested in your business you can see it directly reflect in your profits. 

  • 4. 解决员工的弱点

    Ongoing training and 开发ment programs allow you to find and address any weaknesses and helps your employees to be more all-rounded and better skilled at every factor of their job.



Our 澳门网上真人赌博官网 team is ready to help utilize or customize a tuition assistance program that will help recruit, 开发, 吸引并留住高素质的员工. It is a great way to maximize your return on investment and in many cases can be a tax deduction. Currently, the IRS allows employers to write off tuition reimbursements for
每年雇员数. *



The 就业资源中心 at Moraine Valley offers services and opportunities for employers to connect with and invest in their next great hire, 包括招聘信息, 人才获取活动, 实习, 和更多的.

  • 在我们的在线招聘板上发帖
  • 创建实习岗位
  • 参加招聘活动, provide industry knowledge and enhance employability skills for your future candidates


Developing specific on-going training for your organization can be difficult when you have a variety of skill sets that need to be met. 冰碛谷的企业、社区
and Continuing Education department offers off-the-shelf and customized training solutions for any size team or budget. Let us create a series of classes or certificates packaged specifically for your organization’s needs that can be delivered on our campus, 现场在您的位置, 或在线.


Our admissions team is here to help you build up your employees and strengthen your business. We can help find classes or certificates that will enhance the roles of your employees and increase retention. Whether you currently have a benefits program or are looking to create one, 让冰碛谷告诉你你的选择.

130 +项目

Moraine Valley has over 130+ degree and certificate programs that prepare for careers in areas like:
• IT
• Trade Work – Welding; Automotive; Heating and Air Conditioning; Commercial Driver’s License (CDL); Non-Destructive Testing; Transportation, 配送与物流. 
